Drive is pitching the film into OTT services as well as traditional broadcasters, says Hurst, noting that the distributor’s recent experience selling anniversary docs on Princess Diana demonstrated that free-to-air channels can also “come up with the goods” when it comes to the right product.
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Drive is pitching the film into OTT services as well as traditional broadcasters, says Hurst, noting that the distributor’s recent experience selling anniversary docs on Princess Diana demonstrated that free-to-air channels can also “come up with the goods” when it comes to the right product.
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Just saying the name Pablo Escobar is enough to elicit imagery.
Tata is quiet, loyal and obedient. if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; He was a regular with Colombia's national team.

Marroquin, who studied architecture, said he was proud he had avoided becoming 'a deadlier version' of his father.

After a close attack on their home, due to Pablo's mother wanting to go to church, Pablo decided it was best if his family moved out of my country, sending them all to Germany.

Twenty-five years after her husband's death, María breaks the silence she kept out of respect for drug trafficking victims. '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? Der heute 70-jährige Carlos Lehder Rivas war zu seinen Hochzeiten einer der bekanntesten Drogendealer der Welt. The relationship between its members as well as the mysterious death of its leader and the family's subsequent escape from Colombia, roused uncertainty and resentment. From here, though, the narrative is muddied.

Copyright © 2020 Informa PLC. The pair were first arrested for entering Argentina with false papers and later charged for laundering money. //]]>-->, ,