jason earles john cena

jason earles john cena

“Jackson ist 43????? Who the he wants to look older when they're 30 or 40. When you can't tell the age of the person, Press J to jump to the feed. Just take a moment to let that sink in.Â.
Yea, this is a case where the first dude looks way below his age and Jon Cena looks actually slightly younger than he should. It shocked me when as a child I found out that Hannah's brother was actually in his 30s. ‘When I saw that he was in Hannah Montana after that, I couldn’t wrap my head around it,’ another wrote. I figured he was older, but I had assumed he was in his 20’s not his 30’s until years later. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Twitter users have been left questioning reality after a user revealed that WWE superstar John Cena and star of popular sitcom Hannah Montana, Jason Earles, are the same age - 43 to be precise. They wrote: ‘If you want to have your mind blown: John Cena and Jackson from Hannah Montana are the exact same age.’. Twitter was thrown into an existential crisis when Twitter user @y_usraa revealed both Cena and Earles have more in common than their professions. I remember arguing with my sister about his age. If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]. If you can pass for 18, keep that hair cut, There is a reason for that haircut. After graduating from Glasgow Caledonian University with an NCTJ and BCTJ-accredited Multimedia Journalism degree, Cameron ventured into the world of print journalism at The National, while also working as a freelance film journalist on the side, becoming an accredited Rotten Tomatoes critic in the process. To hide that GIANT FOREHEAD MY GOD. I don’t think a high and tight is a child’s haircut. Fans geschockt nach der Realisierung, John Cena und Hannah Montana-star Jason Earles sind im gleichen Alter. Cyrus added: ‘I think there’s a whole story that led up to Miley becoming Hannah Montana.’ Whether any of the original cast will return or not is yet to be seen – although we’d love to see Earles make a cameo. “Zeit ist ein Mythos,” eine person kommentiert zusammen mit zwei Schädel emojis. Earlier this year, country star Billy Ray Cyrus – Miley’s real dad who also starred in the show – told Hollywood Life a prequel series could be in the works.

?’ ein user kommentierte zusammen mit … Earles played Jackson Stewart … Es ist eine gute Sache John spielte sich während einer episode der hit-Serie, so könnten wir ein richtiges Bild der situation. Wenn du hast eine Promi-Geschichte, video oder Bilder, die in Kontakt mit der U-Bahn.co.uk entertainment-team per E-Mail an uns celebtips@metro.co.uk Aufruf 020 3615 2145 oder durch den Besuch unserer Submit Stuff Seite – wir würden uns freuen, von Ihnen zu hören. It shocked me when as a child I found out that … ?’ ein user kommentierte zusammen mit einem clip, in dem Lois Griffin von Family guy, schimpfen: ‘2020, und nichts ist okay, das ist das Jahr der sofortige Empörung.’, Wir fanden es schwer zu glauben, zu (Bild: Twitter), Er war 29, die in Hannah Montana erste Staffel (Bild: Twitter), Sie sind älter als Kanye West (Bild: Twitter), Ein anderer scherzte: “Die einzige Sache, weht meine Meinung ist die Tatsache, dass du redest, John Cena, wenn er nicht selbst im Bild,’ unter Bezugnahme auf John ‘s WWE Slogan” Sie können mich nicht sehen.’.
Jason Earles et John Cena ont tous deux 43 ans. Her Twitter revelation was backed by two screenshots of internet search results which … Every other actor on that show was in their early teens... it was a weird choice. I believe he just had this haircut for playing his role on Hannah Montana so he looked younger. Over the course of four seasons and a feature film, he was recognised worldwide as a lovable, tormenting goof. Jason est né en avril 26, 1977 et John est né en avril 23, 1977. So, not only are they both 43 years old, but they’re only three days apart. One user wrote: ‘I had to look it up because I can’t believe my eyes.’ Another user commented: ‘Sweet niblets I can never look at him the same anymore.’ A third and many more wrote tweets in the spirit of, simply, ‘What the f*ck?’, Others pointed out Earles would have been 29 years old when he joined Hannah Montana, where he played the part of a 16-year-old. The former wrestler and actor made a cameo on the Disney show, where Earles plays Jackson Stewart, Miley Cyrus’s brother. Jason a commencé à jouer le rôle de Jackson dans 2006, ce qui signifie qu'il était 29 ans quand il jouait le rôle d'un jeune de 15 ans à l'écran.

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