greta thunberg davos speech transcript

greta thunberg davos speech transcript

The main solu­tion, how­ev­er, is so sim­ple that even a small child can under­stand it. There are no gray areas when it comes to sur­vival. That is up to you and me. I said I wanted you to panic. Greta Thunberg: Our house is on fire. Greta Thunberg (left) takes part in a ‘school strike for climate’ at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

People are not aware that there is such a thing as a car­bon bud­get, and just how incred­i­bly small that remain­ing car­bon bud­get is.

But their finan­cial suc­cess has come with an unthink­able price tag.

I shouldn't be up here. We can still fix this. That is as black or white as it gets. We are fac­ing a dis­as­ter of unspo­ken suf­fer­ings for enor­mous amounts of peo­ple. Either we pre­vent a 1.5 degree of warm­ing or we don’t. Either we avoid set­ting off that irre­versible chain reac­tion beyond human con­trol or we don’t. In that time, unprece­dent­ed changes in all aspects of soci­ety need to have tak­en place, includ­ing a reduc­tion of our CO2 emis­sions by at least 50%. This is all wrong. We can cre­ate trans­for­ma­tion­al action that will safe­guard the future liv­ing con­di­tions for humankind. And either we do that or we don’t.

But Homo sapi­ens have not yet failed. Thanks. Some say that we should not engage in activism. You say noth­ing in life is black or white, but that is a lie. At places like Davos, peo­ple like to tell suc­cess sto­ries.

I am here to say our house is on fire. I want you to pan­ic. The big­ger your plat­form, the big­ger your respon­si­bil­i­ty. I am here to say our house is on fire. A very dan­ger­ous lie. If you found this useful or interesting, please consider supporting the project monthly at Patreon or once via Cash App, or even just sharing the link.

If you find something here useful or interesting, please consider supporting the project monthly at Patreon or once via Cash App, or even just sharing a link. I am here to say our house is on fire. The full transcript of Greta Thunberg's speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos: One year ago I came to Davos and told you that our house is on fire.
According to the IPCC, we are less than twelve years away from not being able to undo our mis­takes. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. Here is transcript of her speech: My message is that we'll be watching you? It seems that mon­ey and growth are our only main con­cerns. But what do we do when there is no polit­i­cal will? We still have every­thing in our own hands.

transcript ‘Nothing Has Been Done,’ Thunberg says Greta Thunberg rebuked leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, for promises that she said would do too little. Now is the time to speak clear­ly. Solving the cli­mate cri­sis is the great­est and most com­plex chal­lenge that Homo sapi­ens have ever faced.

We are now at a time in his­to­ry where every­one with any insight of the cli­mate cri­sis that threat­ens our civ­i­liza­tion and the entire bios­phere must speak out in clear lan­guage, no mat­ter how uncom­fort­able and unprof­itable that may be. Because it is. transcript ‘Nothing Has Been Done,’ Thunberg says Greta Thunberg rebuked leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, for promises that she said would do too little. And on cli­mate change, we have to acknowl­edge that we have failed. Yes, we are fail­ing but there is still time to turn every­thing around. I want you to act as if the house was on fire. Here's the full transcript of Thunberg's speech, beginning with her response to a question about the message she has for world leaders. What do we do when the pol­i­tics need­ed are nowhere in sight? Instead we should leave every­thing to our politi­cians and just vote for change instead. Here in Davos, just like every­where else, every­one is talk­ing about mon­ey.

And please note that those num­bers do not include the aspect of equi­ty, which is absolute­ly nec­es­sary to make the Paris Agreement work on a glob­al scale, nor does it include tip­ping points or feed­back loops like the extreme[ly] pow­er­ful methane gas released from the thaw­ing Arctic per­mafrost. But unless we rec­og­nize the over­all fail­ures of our cur­rent sys­tems we most prob­a­bly don’t stand a chance. We have to stop our emis­sions of green­house gas­es.

Greta Thunberg: Our house is on fire.

I don’t want you to be hope­ful. And now is not the time for speak­ing polite­ly or focus­ing on what we can or can­not say.
All polit­i­cal move­ments in their present form have done so, and the media has failed to cre­ate broad pub­lic aware­ness. And that needs to change today. I should be back in school, on the other side of the ocean. According to the IPCC , we are less than twelve years away from not being able to … We all have a choice. No oth­er cur­rent chal­lenge can match the impor­tance of estab­lish­ing a wide pub­lic aware­ness and under­stand­ing of our rapidly-disappearing car­bon bud­get that should and must become a new glob­al cur­ren­cy and the very heart of future and present eco­nom­ics. Either we choose to go on as a civ­i­liza­tion or we don’t. Adults keep say­ing, ​“We owe it to the young peo­ple to give them hope.” But I don’t want your hope. And since the cli­mate cri­sis is a cri­sis that has nev­er once been treat­ed as a cri­sis, peo­ple are sim­ply not aware of the full con­se­quences on our every­day life. Thanks.

We must change almost every­thing in our cur­rent soci­eties.

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