not saying it's not unfortunate or frustrating but what an overstatement! I am truly sorry for you.The EPO position is disastrous and I can't understand how so many in social networks seem to view it as a necessary evil. Allowing paper D to go ahead in 2020 also does not. I hate to be a pessimist but I think the next EQE will be held in March 2021. A universal compensation of 45 marks for all papers and a pre-exam pass for 2020 candidates for their lost year would also achieve this aim. Its a pretty rubbish statement from CIPA. For example, I know that preparing for part D takes a substantially higher amount of effort than the other papers. It is regrettable and certainly preparing for the pre-exam and EQEs is not a trivial matter. No way. The valley was a center of "the crossroads of cultures and languages, including the Tongva, Fernandeño, and Chumash." If I were to guess, I'd say the chances of postponement are small. Such poor communications from all invovled. Relying entirely on exams as we see in this situation has too much of a large impact on everyone. Does anybody seriously believe they could? A significant number of candidate actually take EQEs first before UK exams. The period between two examinations shall not exceed twenty-five months. Cancellation of MARQUES Spring Meeting 2020. So, if the cancel the Olympic Games, should they give everybody a bronze medal? It must be fair for all candidates so exams. It seems the current aim, at least here in the UK, is to delay the peak of the epidemic to the summer to ease the strain on the National Health Service, and with a hope that there's a seasonal component to how the virus is transmitted. Sind die Sprays wirklich ein Gamechanger in der Behandlung von Covid-19 Erkrankten? Can it be marked in time so that candidates know whether they need to prepare to re-sit in 2021? Italy/Munich not sitting it until the danger has passed/not sitting it until 2021. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Follow the situation daily, and when necessary, take drastic measures, like self-isolation. The burden on the markers is due to the unprepared people taking the Main Exam papers - there are people who get less than 25 marks, and these have to be marked by two people independently. Let's hope the EPO decide whether to reschedule (and if so, when) or cancel sooner rather than later. The supervisory board members should resign in my view. PEB being cancelled is a pain because this is not CIPA's fault. Comments will not be allowed if the contravene the IPKat policy that readers' comments should not be obscene or defamatory; they should not consist of ad hominem attacks on members of the blog team or other comment-posters and they should make a constructive contribution to the discussion of the post on which they purport to comment.It is also the IPKat policy that comments should not be made completely anonymously, and users should use a consistent name or pseudonym (which should not itself be defamatory or obscene, or that of another real person), either in the "identity" field, or at the beginning of the comment. most take the UKs before the EQEs anyway or will have planned to take them in october after the EQEs - can't see why this would have any impact, Would disagree with the statement that 'most' take the UKs before the EQEs - whilst that is the situation at some firms, a lot use entirely different approaches.For instance, I (and I know others too) did FD1/P2 last year, had planned to do PreEQE this year, no UKs this October to give maximum time to concentrate on Main EQEs next year, and then follow up with FD4/P6 in October 2021.If the EQE is cancelled this year, and I and my collegues have to sit the PreEQE next year, then that does have a knock-on effect (do I do UKs this year now? Completely agree with this. Richard Stallman's Honors and Awards (and Why He Resigned in 2019), Links 14/4/2021: Alpine Releases and X.Org Server 1.20.11 Release (Security), Links 14/4/2021: EasyOS Dunfell 2.7, Tor Browser 10.5a14. Nobody would be given a free 'pass' in any case; they would simply be allowed to skip the barrier to take the qualifying exam.The UK foundations do give candidates a part-level qualification, so again that is not comparing like-for-like. Really I am.I'm not one of the candidates affected and no, I wouldn't like it if the EPO told me I couldn't practice for year out of fairness to EPAs in other countries. Telefonische Anfragen: (+49 89) 2399 5155 Fax: (+49-89) 2399 5140 Öffnungszeiten: Mo., Mi.-Fr. During this period, also known as the “pre-symptomatic” period, some infected persons can be contagious. The main reason appears to be that the EPO aren't allowing their staff to travel to exam centres. Missing a year would be terrible for all concerned. "Am in two minds about this. But please don't demand that everybody else does the same. October - UK exams. Nightmare. Thanks for the diversion.Stay safe out there. It seems unlikely that the opposed positions of posters herein will become aligned. Calling it off early will at least allow candidates not to waste their time revising. the usual from this administration) the EPO pretends everything went well, bar a minor glitch lasing a few minutes With each day that passes, the decision to postpone looks more and more sensible.The posts in this thread suggesting that exams in the UK could go ahead are not ageing well. I find myself agreeing somewhat with Halcyon.The situation is similar to the Italian exam centre burning down on the day of the exam - in that situation surely the exams would just go ahead everywhere but Italy? I'm not sure about July-August 2020. If there was a coursework/exam mix then the exams would still not be going ahead and people would still not be able to qualify.If it was coursework-only then there would still be the possibility of cancelled classes and assessments. If Pre-exam were to be skipped for one year, 2021 is likely to see a large number of poor attempts as many candidates hope for leniency there as well.Waiving would only be possible if the Pre-exam was abolished completely for all current & future candidates, with the necessary changes in the marking procedures. Reports that SARS gave honeycomb lungs etc etc.Having said that, if UK is not having that many cases, don't see why CIPA can't push ahead. Look around what is going on in the world - your own national exams could be cancelled, and there are no guarantees that EQE 2021 will even go ahead. Btw, I am one of those who will be affected career-wise and who has a small child to look after. I do not think it is a good idea to proceed with the exams in October. People would complain that one was easier or that some candidates had more time to prepare. If there are no passes for EQEs then there should be no passes for pre-EQEs. Trust me, I know. I don't think Anon at 17:24 is actually advocating a universal compensation of 45 marks, because that would be just silly. ICUs are also distinguished from general hospital wards by … its not their fault and they are only following advice from governments. We need a definite answer, is it on or off? Ved stenging endte aksjen opp 3,95 prosent til en kurs på 5,32 kroner. However, that needs to be arranged immediately. Norwegian-aksjen skjøt i været etter at aksjonærene godkjente kriseplanen på selskapets generalforsamling mandag. As government policy is to ask over 70s to self-isolate for 16-20 weeks, this would mean that many in our profession will have to go and look after their loved ones. The exams are due in October, July is quite enough time to announce their delay/cancellation.There may not actually be any "end" to this crisis. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. Links 12/4/2021: RSS Guard 3.9.2 and IBM-Funded Hacks Keep Attacking RMS, EPOLeaks on Misleading the Bundestag -- Part 15: Different Strokes for Different Folks. Produced since 1953, the E-Class falls midrange in the Mercedes line-up, and has been marketed worldwide across five generations. Of course there may be some bitterness from EQE candidates who were not exempt from the pre-EQE, and understandably so.. but that's different to it actually being unfair. Shame they couldn't channel that for P6. Also, the second paper wouldn't have a back-up so what would happen if it were compromised?Unfortunately, I'm not holding out a lot of hope for a postponement either. Or if they don't want to go as far as cancelling it why not let people sit the paper locally under the supervision of a qualified attorney? An dem Grundkonzept wird nicht gerüttelt. This is part of the reason for the Ashton Gate concourse mess a few years back and difficulty communicating the number of available places the first time Walsall was used as a venue.My thoughts go out to the trainees who have spent a lot of energy preparing for these exams. They have to be capable to holding substitute exams with less than a year's preparation. No exams are likely to take place in the next 3 months. Some people will have their preparation disrupted, and others will now have extra time to study (you are now being forced to make the social sacrifices that you would normally have to make when you study). Students/firms would understand especially if they know in advance and not waste time for preparation. In short, any employer firing people over this is not an employer you want to work for.I know it's rough. Over 100 awards set as one of the best government sites in the nation. View more of's award-winning projects » I hope you and all your loved ones stay healthy. Its disappointing but I agree that PEB exams in October should be postponed. Once the official announcement they should have just left it alone. EPOLeaks on Misleading the Bundestag -- Part 18: Zero Tolerance for “Lawless Zones”? These things need to be considered so I think it is only appropriate to cancel PEB exams this year. It has a MASSIVE impact and many knock on effects.We must also bear in mind that candidates are taking a financial hit i.e. Be assured that the PEC (professional education committee) of epi will try to reach the best possible solution for candidates and exam committee.". Worried that we won't be given a refund for hotels, travels etc.. if we continue to wait. The full-year top line was up 11% from 2019. I'm not even sure it would be sensible to hold an in-person EQE in March 2021. Our student members invest a large part of their professional and personal lives in preparing to qualify as European Patent Attorneys and we share the sense of uncertainty, frustration and disappointment that they must be feeling this morning.