Serializers are the standard Python class that can inherit the behavior of the model from the framework. Alternatively, you can download or clone this repo and install with : To allow this database adapter to work like a relational one, the targeted API must respect some requirements : django-rest-models provide a way to check the consistency of the api with the local models via the django check framework. Although you can use Django's serializers to build the JSON you'll respond to in your API, the one from the REST framework comes with nice features that help you deal with and easily … serializer. Official Django REST Framework Tutorial - A Beginners Guide. Custom users using Django REST framework. Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. At each startup, it will query the api with OPTIONS to check if the local models match the remote serializers. In the same way that Django provides both Form classes and ModelForm classes, REST framework includes both Serializer classes, and ModelSerializer classes. API, The django-rest-framework-hstore package provides an HStoreSerializer to support django-hstore DictionaryField model field and its schema-mode feature. Django rest framework, use different serializers in the same ModelViewSet. ,