Nature, 435:1179-1186. Another problem of environmental laws is the fines are so minuscule that offending corporations would rather pay the penalty, rather than change their business practices. from motorized vehicles contribute to nearly 70% of the city’s air pollution. Beijing’s population has swelled from 11 million to 16 million in just 7 years, and has doubled over the past century.1,3. . Beijing’s population has swelled from 11 million to 16 million in just 7 years, and has doubled over the past century. Air Quality Index (AQI) Basics. A6. (2008). CC BY-NC 2.0. Due to this extensive air pollution, China’s. The factories are located on the outskirts of Beijing and the nearby cities of Harbin and Hebei.1 Beijing is a victim of its own topography because it is surrounded by mountains, ensuring that pollution remains trapped within the city limits.5 Air quality worsens in spring and summer when temperature and humidity levels rise, and winds contribute to the smog by carrying pollutants from industrialized southern regions.3 There are a variety of consequences of air pollution in Beijing. Pollutants from these vehicles’ emission, including hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides and particular matter (PM10), account for the considerable proportion of the leading reason to result poisonous environment. However, levels now reach up to 755, as measured by the United States Embassy in Beijing, which employs its own pollution reading device. The Chinese government also prefers to release information only on PM10 particles and not larger PM particles. The Environmental Protection Agency lays out some of the most troubling consequences of air pollution in China, including: Acid Rain: Acid rain refers to precipitation that contains dangerous amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids. Mandatory factory closures and bans on motor vehicles entering the city are implemented on days of heavy air pollution. City officials converted coal furnaces in tens of thousands of homes to. Countries often face a difficult choice between promoting unfettered economic growth and the resulting costs to public and environmental welfare. Stone, R. (2008). With this amplified wealth, individuals are more capable of affording motor vehicles. According to the article "Air Pollution in Mega Cities in China", "Coal accounts for 70% of the total energy consumption, and emissions from coal combustion are the major anthropogenic contributors to air pollution in China." & Diamond, J. Though the contamination is extensive, there are possible solutions which can address the problem. [Side by side photographs of Beijing, China on a clear day and with severe air pollution]. & Diamond, J. Depending on the warning level, different actions are executed, which include school closures, removing 80% of government vehicles from the road, allowing certain private cars on the roads based on registration plate numbers and day of the week, barring freight and construction vehicles from the roads, utilizing watering carts and sprinkler trucks, shutting factories down, halting construction sites, and even forbidding barbecues and fireworks.10 To most effectively address air pollution would require reform in government laws and behavior. China has also experienced major economic growth with a drastic rise in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). China’s Pollution Progress Slows. Retrieved from, United States Environmental Protection Agency. Compared to citizens living in southern China, the average life span for Beijing’s citizens is five to six years shorter. Openness in reporting true pollution levels by municipal governments would also lend clarity to the condition of air quality. In addition, the usage of vehicles in China has an effect on air pollution as well. Map data ©2015 Google. Its economic growth in the past three decades has been the fastest among major nations, which is the main factor in why China has extensive air pollution. In 2013, the Heavy Air Pollution Contingency Plan was passed. This is the highest level of air pollution since recording began in 2008, and was appropriately deemed “Beyond Index”. The Olympics were crucial in raising awareness about reform of environmental regulations. is ranked near the bottom among countries worldwide. The four most dangerous pollutants that are emitted include: sulfur dioxide (SO. Evidence shows that China’s biggest pollution is not from air but water and soil which almost affect everyone living in China, not just some big cities. The organization has the difficult task of reforming environmental laws that are often ignored by leaders. Emissions and contaminants may also be carried across the Pacific Ocean to the Western United States by powerful global winds called Westerlies. [Photograph of woman in China wearing a protective face mask]. Beijing’s air pollution affects the health of its citizens and threatens to limit the future success and expansion of the city. Along with health consequences, high levels of harmful emissions have led to hundreds of flight cancellations and frequent road closures due to low visibility levels. Beijing’s air pollution affects the health of its citizens and threatens to limit the future success and expansion of the city. Mandatory factory closures and bans on motor vehicles entering the city are implemented on days of heavy air pollution. Emergency measures have also been enacted in Beijing. In 2003, the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning determined that air pollution was responsible for 411,000 premature deaths across China. The air pollution in Beijing causes lower birth rates and higher adult mortality from respiratory related diseases. Cable News Network. This has been a major air pollutant and the main reason for it is because its economy has grown substantially in the last 30 years. Beijing is a victim of its own topography because it is surrounded by mountains, ensuring that pollution remains trapped within the city limits. In response to the 1952 “Great Smog of London,” which killed an estimated 4,000 people, the UK introduced the Clean Air Act of 1956 to restrict emissions. These factories rely on outdated and inefficient technologies. Environmental Science & Technology, 36,15:308A-309A. Betts, K. S. (2002). , which scales pollution levels from 0 to 500 and assigns a color to different number levels to measure how hazardous the air quality is on any given day (Figure 4). Why China? . Many factories, industries, and manufacturing plants were shut down for the duration of the games and driving restrictions were imposed on millions of vehicles. China is Also an Exporter of Pollution to the Western U.S., Study Finds. Emergency measures were enacted depending on the pollution levels, but the most important factor in curbing air pollution is the implementation of new laws and reformation of old laws. Though this pollution is created by Chinese manufacturing and export of goods, it is demand for these goods in the United that fuels production. and relocated factories to other provinces in China. China After the Beijing Olympics. The United States Embassy did release such information, but was asked by the Chinese government to limit the release of information to Americans.7. al., 2017). (2008). Along with health consequences, high levels of harmful emissions have led to hundreds of flight cancellations and frequent road closures due to low visibility levels. Retrieved from, Bishop, Bill. The causes of Beijing’s widespread air pollution can be attributed to a number of factors: an enormous economic boom, a surge in the number of motorized vehicles, population growth, output from manufacturing, and natural reasons which include the city’s surrounding, and seasonal weather. The AQI value takes the five major air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act into consideration (ground-level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. 5.4 The Mysterious Case of Colony Collapse Disorder, 5.5 Tigers- Naked and Alone in the Disappearing Sumatran Forests, 5.6 White-Nose Syndrome in North Americans Bats, China is notorious for being a major polluter. Levels of 100 or below are known as “Blue Sky Days”, when smog is not easily visible.3,5,7 However, levels now reach up to 755, as measured by the United States Embassy in Beijing, which employs its own pollution reading device. The causes of Beijing’s widespread air pollution can be attributed to a number of factors: an enormous economic boom, a surge in the number of motorized vehicles, population growth, output from manufacturing, and natural reasons which include the city’s … Lubick, N. (2008). Cable News Network. 5.3 Elephant Contraception- Possible Solution for South Africa’s “Elephant Problem”? Figure 4. (2015). China’s Environment in a Globalizing World. (2005). Coal burning factories also contribute to the smog present in Beijing. One Chinese clean energy target is to increase natural gas to 10% of the power mix, but policy makers ignore its environmental effect on global warming. PM10).3 Newly introduced vehicles have lower emission standards, and thereby emit more of these pollutants into the atmosphere than their older counterparts. Other causes of air pollution include construction and industry. This is the highest level of air pollution since recording began in 2008, and was appropriately deemed “Beyond Index”. The government only reports AQI numbers up to 500. Though the contamination is extensive, there are possible solutions which can address the problem. The New York Times, pp. al. (2009). Environmental Science & Technology, 42,14:5037-5040. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) also highlights the Huai River Policy established during China's central planning period between 1950 and 1980. Another problem of environmental laws is the fines are so minuscule that offending corporations would rather pay the penalty, rather than change their business practices. Emergency measures were enacted depending on the pollution levels, but the most important factor in curbing air pollution is the implementation of new laws and reformation of old laws. Retrieved from. The New York Times, pp. China is Also an Exporter of Pollution to the Western U.S., Study Finds. By analyzing the sources of pollution, studying its consequences, and by reforming inadequate regulations and laws, Beijing can salvage its environment and create a healthier atmosphere for future generations. Of the twenty cities with the worst air pollution worldwide, 16 are located in China, including Beijing. Motorized vehicles are only one contributor to air pollution. By analyzing the sources of pollution, studying its consequences, and by reforming inadequate regulations and laws, Beijing can salvage its environment and create a healthier atmosphere for future generations. Causes of air pollution in China. By analyzing the sources of pollution, studying its consequences, and by reforming inadequate regulations and laws, Beijing can salvage its environment and create a healthier atmosphere for future generations. Emissions and contaminants may also be carried across the Pacific Ocean to the Western United States by powerful global winds called. These larger PM particles may be more dangerous than PM10 particles. Beijing is a victim of its own topography because it is surrounded by mountains, ensuring that pollution remains trapped within the city limits. "We've pushed our environment to its limits," Sun says. Environmental ScienceBites by Kylienne A. Clark, Travis R. Shaul, and Brian H. Lower is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Will the Dragon Stay Green? China has also experienced major economic growth with a drastic rise in. Will the Dragon Stay Green? (2010). Lung cancer rates have risen over 60% in the past decade, although the smoking rate has not increased.1, In 2003, the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning determined that air pollution was responsible for 411,000 premature deaths across China.3 The 2008 Olympic Summer Games in Beijing was the catalyst leading to many new policies to address air pollution. Beijing’s air pollution affects the health of its citizens and threatens to limit the future success and expansion of the city. China has struggled for years to control its air pollution problems, which are primarily caused by the burning of coal in factories and power plants, as well as vehicle use. Openness in reporting true pollution levels by municipal governments would also lend clarity to the condition of air quality. Liu, J. Figure 3. These factories rely on outdated and inefficient technologies. The number of motor vehicles on Beijing’s roads has doubled to 3.3 million with nearly 1200 added each day. The New York Times, pp. According to the WHO, 20 of the world’s most polluted cities are in developing countries. China is notorious for being a major polluter. rates have risen over 60% in the past decade, although the smoking rate has not increased. is ranked near the bottom among countries worldwide. In China, air pollution is declining but remains three times above World Health Organisation (WHO) limits. In 2013, the Heavy Air Pollution Contingency Plan was passed.10 This plan consists of four warning levels based on air pollution levels. Levels of 100 or below are known as “Blue Sky Days”, when smog is not easily visible. The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) was established in 1998. This increase in wealth can be correlated with an increase in pollution. Levels of 100 or below are known as “Blue Sky Days”, when smog is not easily visible. The cost of pollution is large as it is approaching “10 percent of gross domestic product per years over the last decade” which is several times higher than other . Researchers found that outdoor air pollution was the fifth leading cause of premature deaths in China, behind high blood pressure, smoking, high consumption of … Air pollution in China and other countries of Asia is a severe environmental problem.Smog, caused by traffic and especially burning coal, causes pulmonary and heart diseases. Click Here to Explore Beijing, China in Google Maps, With this amplified wealth, individuals are more capable of affording motor vehicles.1,4,5,6 The number of motor vehicles on Beijing’s roads has doubled to 3.3 million with nearly 1200 added each day. Beijing’s Marathon Run to Clean Foul Air Nears Finish Line. Its economic growth in the past three decades has been the fastest among major nations, which is the main factor in why China has extensive air pollution. Figure 2. (Right) Beijing in February, 2013 from the same view when Beijing was experiencing dangerously poor air quality. The four most dangerous pollutants that are emitted include: sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (e.g. Although this was a temporary solution for the Olympics, city officials promised to spend over $12 billion dollars on improving the environment. This is a problem for the Chinese citizens and the Chinese government. Retrieved from, Bishop, Bill. Many factories, industries, and manufacturing plants were shut down for the duration of the games and driving restrictions were imposed on millions of vehicles. Mandatory factory closures and bans on motor vehicles entering the city are implemented on days of heavy air pollution. The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) was established in 1998. National Public Radio. All the new technology that we have developed that is having a good influence on us, it is affecting our environment in a bad way. The United States is ironically causing its own environmental degradation through trade with China. But there are many types of indoor air pollution as well. Beijing Announces Emergency Measure Amid Fog of Pollution. The factories are located on the outskirts of Beijing and the nearby cities of Harbin and Hebei. National Public Radio. Though the. J., & Diamond, J. On-Road Vehicle Emission Control in Beijing: Past, Present, and Future. City officials converted coal furnaces in tens of thousands of homes to natural gas and relocated factories to other provinces in China.3. rates have risen over 60% in the past decade, although the smoking rate has not increased. The first cause of air pollution in China is using motorcycles as one of the main transportations. The shorter lifespans of Beijing’s citizens has been connected to high pollution levels. 1.1 Climate Change Opens the Door to more Intense Tropical Storms, 1.2 History of Drought in California Paints Troublesome Outlook, 1.3 The Effects of Climate Change on the Syrian Uprising, 1.5 Warming Oceans Cause Coral Reef Bleaching, 2.1 An Assessment of the Invasive Asian carp Threat on The Great Lakes, 2.2 A Bitter Brew- Coffee Production, Deforestation, Soil Erosion and Water Contamination, 2.4 Hunger for Resources Leaves Sumatra's Orangutans Without Homes, 2.5 The Attack of the Emerald Ash Borer in The United States, 3.1 Environmental Impacts of the Grand Coulee Hydroelectric Dam, 3.2 Dispersion of Radioactive Material from the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster, 3.3 Fracking’s Potential Impact on Water Quality, 3.4 The Lingering Effects of the Chernobyl Disaster, 3.5 Ogallala Aquifer & Nebraskan SandHills Potentially Threatened by the Keystone XL Pipeline, 4.1 The Burning River- Aquatic Pollution in America’s Rust Belt, 4.2 Causes and Consequences of Air Pollution in Beijing, China, 4.3 Proper Management of Phosphorus for Future Food Security, 4.4 The Use and Effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam, 5.1 Africa's Vanishing Predator The African Wild Dog, 5.2 Saving Juvenile Hawaiian Monk Seals- Status and Challenges. Another problem of environmental laws is the fines are so minuscule that offending corporations would rather pay the penalty, rather than change their business practices.1 Openness in reporting true pollution levels by municipal governments would also lend clarity to the condition of air quality.2 The government only reports AQI numbers up to 500. Environmental Science & Technology, 45,1:147-153, Lim, L. (2011, December 07). The. Many factories, industries, and manufacturing plants were shut down for the duration of the games and driving restrictions were imposed on millions of vehicles.1,9 Although this was a temporary solution for the Olympics, city officials promised to spend over $12 billion dollars on improving the environment. Newly introduced vehicles have lower emission standards, and thereby emit more of these pollutants into the atmosphere than their older counterparts. J., & Diamond, J. Many factories, industries, and manufacturing plants were shut down for the duration of the games and driving restrictions were imposed on millions of vehicles.1,9 Although this was a temporary solution for the Olympics, city officials promised to spend over $12 billion dollars on improving the environment. Revolutionizing China’s Environmental Protection. The United States is ironically causing its own environmental degradation through trade with China.1,8, The shorter lifespans of Beijing’s citizens has been connected to high pollution levels.7,8 Compared to citizens living in southern China, the average life span for Beijing’s citizens is five to six years shorter.